The purpose of this material is to present a biblical worldview of history in the form of a written timeline. In the interest of progressing steadily through the history, a relatively bare-bones highlighting and discussion of key events shall be used in the main text, with clarifications and expounding offered through footnotes and endnotes.
Initially, though, let us consider a question that relates thematically to this text: “How can such a form of this book’s title as The History of Eternity be anything except immediately taken as a ridiculously presumptuous claim?” If one is aware of two truths—(1) that the Bible presents an accurate summary of eternity (one that is at least as empirically verifiable as the modern secular mythology, that ironically passes for “science” today via consensus of those who share the same fanciful feelings about the percentage of metaphysical notions that inform and steer their worldview, including ultimate cosmic origin and the origin of life), and (2) it is less complicated to distinguish the Bible’s superior historical framework from incorrect historical frameworks than one might at first expect—then this material’s title, at least in its broadest strokes, can rightly be taken seriously by intellectually honest individuals.
To touch upon a final concern before we begin with the timeline, something should be said about the fact that there are so many differing models for the story, the history, of the biblically revealed order of events (especially for beginnings and end times), so one must wonder how any model could be seen as being the most biblically accurate. For starters, the problem isn’t with the Bible, but with its interpreters. The latter statement really isn’t rooted in any present authorial pride; rather, it is rooted in the most often negated foundational need for everyone to accept that we must approach biblical truth with a blank slate willingness to at least recognize that preconceptions work against the goal of allowing (fancy word) exegesis to do the work.